Celestial's Province: Part 2

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Asmodeus' defeat urges Seraphim to take over and conform the area to his liking.

Seraphim, Conquerer of the Universe

Boss Patterns

100% to 75% | Seraphim teleports to 5 areas of the arena, each time firing projectiles at the previous location after teleporting. Throughout this phase, constant sources of bouncing projectiles are spread throughout the arena.
Guaranteed at 75% | Seraphim flies across the arena in a straight line, creating two waves of projectiles at the end location. Seraphim is invincible in this phase.
Below 75% | Seraphim traverses the arena slowly while periodically firing sets of projectiles at the player. During this phase, celestial beams instantly kill any player standing in them upon disappearing. Players should not stand in the celestial beams.
Guaranteed at 50% | Seraphim flies above the arena and summons a rapid onslaught of celestial beams. Celestial bullets are also present in this phase, creating extra danger.
Guaranteed at 80% | Seraphim teleports above players and pulls players into a smaller portion of the arena. Players are dealt damage upon leaving this section of the arena. Waves of celestial fragments approach the player in a sinusoidal manner of moving. Players must find the gap in the wave to avoid being damaged.

Boss Phases

80% | Seraphim performs the xxx attack.
20% | Seraphim triggers her final phase, enclosing the arena in beams and having projectiles fire from all sides of the arena. In addition, Seraphim fires a volley of shots at the player, indicated by a red laser that summons the shots after a few seconds of spawning.
10% | Invincibility Phase.