Kobold's Den

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Ashenclaw's loyal minions protect the path to her domain, although Ashenclaw's mastery of the shadows proves to be more than enough.

Ashenclaw, Kobold Assassin

Boss Patterns

Ashenclaw summons bear traps around the area.
Ashenclaw jumps behind the player and deals AoE damage in a small area.
Ashenclaw does a spin slash, slashing the air and creating projectiles in all directions.
Ashenclaw fires a crossbow bolt at the player.
Ashenclaw lobs a bouncing bomb that explodes after a few seconds.
Ashenclaw deals melee damage upon close contact.

Boss Phases

66% | Invincibility Phase
33% | Ashenclaw puts on her hood and becomes exalted, gaining a chance to dodge attacks and becoming faster.

Dungeon Enemies