World Bosses

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Within the open-world, there are a collection of world bosses.

These are bigger, stronger and harder enemies that have their own dedicated arenas.

It is recommended to not attempt to fight these bosses if the player has less than 40 tier points.

Each boss can drop its own dungeon and loot (see below).


Once a revered leader, Tidol wanders the beaches of Telos looking for the family he lost as well as the entrance to the forgotten kingdom to exact his revenge on the king.

Boss Patterns

Tidol throws his trident in a direction, landing and creating shockwaves on the ground. Upon calling the trident back, Tidol releases 1 shockwave and linear projectiles in all directions on the floor.
Tidol propels himself backwards and launches a mix of light blue and dark blue projectiles. After reaching a certain distance, the dark blue projectiles home in on the aggroed player.
Tidol launches golden trident projectiles in all directions, which turn red and launch towards the aggroed player.
Tidol summons mines across the arena, exploding and dealing damage to anyone inside one.
Tidol summons large ghost tridents, which home in on the aggroed player with a large turning radius.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Tidol deals damage in the surrounding area.


The forgotten king's most loyal subject; sworn in as his lieutenant. He has been eternally ordered to guard the gates of the forgotten kingdom to prevent any unwanted guests. Astaroth assumes a disguise within Telos to keep attention diverted.

Boss Patterns

Astaroth fires 3 projectiles that follow the player, slowing down to a stop and speeding up in the process.
Astaroth fires 2 large shots towards the aggroed player, and then runs towards the player to fire another large shot, dealing damage in the surrounding area on the final shot.
Astaroth fires 2 large shots towards the aggroed player in conjunction with another phase.
Astaroth slams his scythe down, creating a line of cracked ground. The cracked ground explodes into many projectiles soon after.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Astaroth rips open the ground, summoning arcing projectiles from the created fissure.


Once a jungle panda, curiosity took the better of him, causing him to wander into the neighbouring swamp where a voided meteorite was headed to collide. Upon its fracture, an infectious disease leaked into the nearby swamp causing a pandemic among the local wildlife which caused much death. Although, for Glumi, his DNA was altered and intertwined with the infectious disease triggering rapid evolution.

Boss Patterns

Glumi jumps backwards, sending out 4 sets of projectiles into the four cardinal directions.
Glumi sends a flurry of arcing projectiles into the air, along with a wave of projectiles towards the aggroed player.
Glumi dashes towards the aggroed player and sends out projectiles in all directions at the end of the dash.
Glumi jumps upwards and summons two waves of projectiles in all directions.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Glumi summons three ponds that fire out projectiles, dealing AOE damage upon hitting the floor or player. Glumi also deals periodic damage in the surrounding area.


This ancient Egyptian god was forcefully summoned and subdued by Onyx to watch over the desert. This was no easy feat and has taken its toll on Onyx in the form of a curse. Onyx has commanded Anubis to attack all those who oppose his reign.

Boss Patterns

Anubis sends out a wave of mines in all directions, with there being more in the four cardinal directions. These mines disappear after a few seconds, and deal damage to anyone in the mine upon disappearing.
Anubis throws his staff, which circles around him and fires projectiles in all directions from the staff. Anubis also deals damage in the surrounding area.
Anubis stomps the ground and summons four pillars, which will fire lasers at the aggroed player if not killed.
Anubis slams his staff down and fires many waves of projectiles in all directions, stemming from his staff.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Anubis exalts himself, creating a laser-firing sigil above himself.


Oozul is a naturally occurring magical creature that assumed its esteemed position among the slimes through living for thousands of years. Oozul has achieved its large size from ingesting millions of living organisms.

Boss Patterns

(<66%) Oozul fires a volley of projectiles at the aggroed player.
(33%) Oozul slams down upon a marked area, dealing damage to anyone in radius
(33%) Oozul dashes towards the aggroed player 3 times, dealing contact damage.

Boss Phases

100% Invincibility Phase, Oozul’s slimes must be killed before Oozul can be damaged. Oozul continuously fires projectiles in all directions.|
66% | Invulnerability Phase, Oozul summons different types of slimes that must be killed. Oozul continuously fires projectiles in all directions.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Oozul summons even more varieties of slimes. The healer slime must be killed before any other slime can be killed. Oozul continuously fires projectiles in all directions.


Afton’s legacy reimagined into Telos through a misguided shipment. Intended to be sent to the Mariana Trench for disposal but instead made its way to the mysterious island of Telos. The boat arrived with the crew missing…

Boss Patterns

Freddy teleports to the aggroed player 4 times, firing a flamethrower from his behind in the direction of the player.
Freddy summons circles of flame in the surrounding area, dealing damage to anyone who stands in them as they disappear.
Freddy summons 8 circles around him, which fire projectiles in a pattern, stemming from the middle of the circle.
Freddy inflicts darkness on all players and chases the aggroed player, dealing contact damage (along with a visual jumpscare).
Freddy summons two identical clones that have less health than him. These clones must be killed before being able to deal damage to Freddy. The player must also crouch several times to avoid the “dance” effect inflicted by this phase.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase.


Arriving in a voided meteorite, Chungus has claimed the blast site as their home and will not hesitate to use voided magic on approaching adventurers out of panic. Chungus fears that what remaining life they have left will be spent on this foreign planet.

Boss Patterns

Chungus jumps up and release bouncing, arcing projectiles upon reaching the floor
Chungus jumps up into the air and summons many projectiles, which rain down on the players in the arena and deal AOE damage upon contact with the floor.
Chungus fires 3 rapid waves of projectiles at the player, with the 3rd being in all directions.
Chungus locks the player in a combo, hitting the player higher and higher until the combo ends.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Chungus is now able to summon two shadow clones as a phase, which teleport and deal contact damage.


This beast and his never ending appetite for human flesh has claimed the permafrost as its territory. Lotil single-handedly destroyed the once commanding stronghold led by Onyx, of which he now occupies.

Boss Patterns

Lotil rolls a snowball towards the player. The snowball homes in on the aggroed player, fires projectiles in all directions, and pushes the player back if any player gets too close to the snowball.
Lotil digs into the ground, launching upwards from the ground at the aggroed players feet.
Lotil stomps, dealing damage on the floor in a certain radius.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Lotil enrages, chasing the player down. At the end of his rage, he fires projectiles at the player and in all directions.


Onyx’s reign led to the culling of illarius’ kind. Now, Illarius stands as the final protector of the jungle and has sworn to keep his hideout safe which harbours other creatures of the jungle who suffered a similar fate. Legend tells of illarius’ axe being the only weapon to have ever cracked onyx’s impenetrable armour.

Boss Patterns

Illarius runs towards the player, grabbing the player and punching the player upwards into the air.
Illarius digs up the ground and throws it towards the player, which deals damage and also explodes into more projectiles.
Illarius dashes into the player.
Illarius jumps up into the air, and slams the ground near the player, pushing the player back and creating many projectiles.
Illarius slams the ground, creating many projectiles.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, summons an axe that bounces around the arena, dealing contact damage.


Valus is the embodiment of death and decay, since his summoning by nebula, he has caused the once fruitful forest to suffer and wither. Valus collects the tormented souls of those he defeats and stores them in his spellbook to then force them to fight under his will.

Boss Patterns

Valus summons swords from the sky, which land in random areas across the arena.
Valus dashes into the player.
Valus teleports four times around the player, each time dealing damage across the floor in the direction of the player.
Valus shoots out projectiles in all directions, dealing damage. If a player is hit by these projectiles, they are launched up and dealt another hit of damage. At the end of the phase, Valus deals damage across the floor in a certain radius.
Valus summons swords from the sky, which slam down on every player in the vicinity.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, launches his book, which summons djinns where it lands.


A shell of armour possessed by an unknown entity said to have originated from the celestials’ doings. Although this entity is that of the same as other possessed armours, the previous owner and grade of this armour results in it excelling among the rest.

Boss Patterns

Defender spins around, and jumps into the air, dealing massive damage in the surrounding area.
Defender slams the ground, creating a cross of fire in the arena.
Defender jumps onto a player, dealing damage and launching the player into the air.
(50%) Defender sends a fast flying slash towards the targeted player.
(50%) Defender sends 3, sequential slashes towards the targeted player.
Defender slams the ground, dealing AOE damage.

Boss Phases

66% | Invulnerability Phase.
33% | Invulnerability Phase, Defender becomes exalted, dealing more damage, and unlocking slash attacks and a slam attack.
25% | Invulnerability Phase.