Corsair's Conductorium

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Located underneath the ocean bed, Thalassar's siren song deceives those who dare to pillage the remains of shipwreck.

Thalassar, Aquatic Conductor

Boss Patterns

Thalassar fires an onslaught of aquatic shells in all directions.
Thalassar randomly places a pink coral, which paralyzes the player if stepped on.
Thalassar summons mines across the arena, which deal damage upon disappearing.

Boss Phases

80% | Thalassar executes her circle jaws attack.
60% | Invincibility Phase 
40% | Thalassar channels the sea’s power into the arena, summoning sea creatures at her origin that dash across the arena, as well as sharks that pounce from below the player.
20% | Invincibility Phase

Dungeon Enemies