Onyx's Chamber

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Onyx’s Chamber is the last bastion of Onyx’s Castle, and in it resides Onyx himself.

Onyx, Leader of All Realms

Boss Patterns

Onyx teleports to a player and fires a set of 5 radial bursts of projectiles a few seconds after teleporting.
Onyx fires spiked projectiles behind and in front of him while chasing the aggroed player.
Onyx fires a barrage of slashes in random directions.
Onyx fires a barrage of slashes in random directions while chasing a targeted player.
Onyx teleports to the middle of the arena and fires revolving beams that deal damage a few seconds after being fired. Mines are also present in this phase.
Onyx jumps towards a player and summons eyes that deal tick damage in the surrounding area. These eyes travel in the four cardinal directions.
Onyx teleports near the centre of the arena, and slashes twice. This fires two rounds of projectiles that stem from Onyx and travel outwards in all directions. Onyx then teleports again and does this a total of X times around the centre.
Onyx begins to travel towards the outer parts of the arena, where he proceeds to fire a rush of projectiles at the player. The beginning part of this phase provides an indicator of the projectile pattern through the use of ghost projectiles.

Boss Phases

50% 25% | Onyx limits the playable area to a short radius around himself (indicated by the flame particles). Once the phase begins, Onyx begins to shoot out a massive amount of small projectiles that are adjacent to the floor. Mines are also present in this phase.
50% | Onyx becomes exalted, and all attacks deal significantly more damage. Mines are spread out across the entire arena in all phases as well.