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Gameplay in Telos Realms largely relies on the use of items to increase stats.

By fighting enemies and bosses, players receive loot from loot bags that have a chance to drop from the defeated.

There are currently 9 types of loot bags in Telos Realms

PeasantBag.png Tier 2 -- Tier 4 Loot
AdventurerBag.png Tier 5 -- Tier 7 Loot
HeroBag.png Tier 8 -- Tier 9 Loot
PotionBag.png Drops a stat potion
ChampionBag.png Tier 10 -- Tier 11 Loot
CompanionBag.png Drops Pets and Mounts
IrradiatedBag.png Drops Irradiated Untiered items
RoyalBag.png Drops Royal Untiered Items
BloodshotBag.png Drops Bloodshot Untiered Items