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The Assassin class is one of six classes in Telos Realms.

Class Restrictions
Weapon Armour Abilities
Dagger Light Cloaks & Poison

The Assassin is an incredibly diverse class, allowing players to maximise their performance in combat.

UT Progression Guide

Items are numbered in order of progression. The higher a number, the later relative stage in the game you would farm for those items. Those with a [†] are considered "swapouts", which can be used at any point in the game since they serve a good, nicher purpose.


Cross Grass Dagger [1]

Demonic Dagger [2†]

Dirk of Chronos [3]

Spirit Dagger [3†]

Valerion's Poniard [4†]

Onyx Dagger [4]

Seraphic Shiv [5]


Ayahuasca Flask [1†]

Venomfang Serum [2†]

Crystal Poison [3]

Blood of the Heretics [4]


Dwarven Cloak [1†]

Cloak of the Warlord [2†]

Cloak of Bloody Surprises [2†]

Cloak of Ionised Darkness [3†]


Hat of Lost Souls is the ideal centre drop to grind for, as it provides crucial early game damage. [1]

Void Hat is directed towards survivability, and is also great for evasion builds. [2†]

Helmet of the Shattered Sentinel is the best light helmet currently in the game, lacking defense but providing a large amount of other survivability and damage stats. [3]


Choji's Tunic is good for early game damage builds, as it has less defense than tiered armour, yet it provides attack instead of speed. [1]

Cursed Brigadine is an amazing swapout for survivability purposes. This is key in any build. [2†]

Spectral Armour is the next step in DPS armour, giving great attack stats and also other defensive stats. [2]

Reaper's Vest provides a significant amount of attack and crit, making it ideal for DPS builds. It provides little survivability value. [3]


Lightning Chaps are great in any stage of the game for vitality purposes. [1†]

Corrupted Chaps provide health and some attack. They are your best option at this stage. [2]

Onyx Chaps are heavily damage focused, but they provide speed as well. [3]


Spooky Sandals are a good set of defensive sandals, but fall short in any attack value. [1†]

Mechanical Fur Sandals have a great ability that scales with attack and crit. They also provide some attack, making them great damage boots. [2]

Black Hole Sandals are the best choice for raw damage stats. [2]

UT Items

Below are links to dungeons that drop untiered items intended for the Assassin class.