Auction House

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The Auction House is a menu that allows players to both purchase items from other players, and put items up for sale. It can be accessed through the /ah command.


A player can put an item up for auction by holding the desired item to sell in their main hand and executing the following command. A tax of 10% of the entered price will be added onto the price of the item.

/ah sell [price of item]


Once sold, the player must claim their glory in the auction menu.

Ah glory button.png


A player can purchase an item up for auction by clicking the item in the auction menu. If the player has sufficient glory, they will be prompted to either continue the purchase or cancel the purchase.


Once purchased, the player must claim their item in the auction menu.


Listed auctions have time limits. When an auction goes unpurchased for 48 hours (2 days), the auction will expire and the seller will have 168 hours (7 days) to reclaim their item before the item is deleted.
